Semper Education for Service Members Pursuing College

Howdy peeps! So, I've finally decided to put pen to paper (or fingers to computer in this case) and put the knowledge I have from working aboard a federal installation to greater use. I'm obsessed with all things involving higher education or vocational training for service members. Obsessed to the point of writing 5 books about it! And yes, all of the books are published (not self-published!). You can check them out on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or the publisher's website: I'm also a military spouse, but blah, blah, blah, nobody cares. I'm okay with it. I just cry to myself when it bothers me ;-). Hope you use this website to further your academic goals and find success.

Semper Education serves as the go-to guide for those who actively seek opportunities to further develop their education and improve their current and future career prospects. The military branches offer many different opportunities for career-enhancement and self-betterment, but if a service member does not know where to seek out advice, the process can get complicated. Plus, deciphering the world of education and navigating the available active-duty and veterans’ benefits is challenging. Incorrect choices can mean extended periods of time backtracking later on or running out of payment options.
